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![]() This Site Awarded the 1998 ATOS Certificate of Special Merit For our work on the Internet promoting Theatre Organs Support the sponsors of this page...they support Theatre Organs. |
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The ONLY Real Over The Air Radio Station in the world that plays theatre organ music within its regular daily format.
KEZL-FM Southwest Nebraska operated by Theatre Organ Preservation of Nebraska, owners of
KEZL is currently seeking donations of theatre organ cds, or digital files for broadcast on the air. KEZL-FM is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit organization.
The recording organ that George Wright had in his hollywood home has been gone for many years. There have been posts from people wondering what happened to the organ. It was broken up many years ago. Jack Doll, Jr of Logan Indiana got the console 2 years ago and it is in his studio there. Also in the chamber is George Wrights style D trumpet and quintadena.
International Society for the Preservation of Historical Instruments
Ohio Valley Chapter of the ATOS (Cincinnati)Website
Wilfred W. Høsteland's Unique Organ/Hammond items available
Larry Fenner installs opus 501 in his home in Lebanon, PA
Jack Moelmann on CBS Evening News 8/15/08
Theatre Organ Society International
Wurlitzer Organ Congregational Church Beer - South Devon - UK
Cedar Rapids Chapter of ATOS new Web Page
Ian Mcleans Australian Adventure with the VTPO
John Durgan's Hauptwerk Organ Project
Michael Cull Playing Many great old theatre style numbers on the Hammond and Roland Atelier
Walnut Hill Mighty Wurlitzer 4/36 Virtual Theatre Organ
Sales Brochure for Minshall Organs, Brattleboro, VT circa 1950s
Aztec Theatre, San Antonio, TX work in progress
Rocky Mountain Chapter American Theatre Organ Society, Denver, CO
Hammond, As In Organ, The Hammond Organ Story, an online biography of Laurens Hammond
4/28 Robert-Morton Kansas City
Binghamton, NY Theater Organ Club Home Page
Ethel Smith: Weird Organ Lady or Mondo Organista?
Wurlitzer Organ Trust Of Auckland, New Zealand
Pikes Peak Area Theatre Organ Society
Listen to some recordings made on a virtual pipe organ
Allen Organ Company's online Museum
Bob Markworth's 3/24 Kimball installation in Omaha, NE
Maureen Fuller's Music Palace Page
Columbia River Organ Club's Newly Renovated Website
Joe DeNitto's Art Deco Music Room w/ Allen Theatre Organ
Bay Theatre, Seal Beach, CA Wurlitzer
Toronto Theatre Organ Society's Page - Casa Loma Wurlitzer
Another of our theatre organ minded sponsors:
Never heard a theatre organ before? Click here to hear a short (399K) Audio Clip by
Support our Sponsors: This site was awarded a Times Pick by the Los Angeles Times on 9-Jul-96.
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Roll or Kari Roll or Carry whatever you call them- dollies to move organs and vending machines on sale Order Roll or Kari dollies Here
An Original Spencer OrgoBlo Owner's Manual
Ken Griffin's Hammond Memorial Page
Interesting Scan of an enamel lapel badge which, was apparently
by the British Wurlitzer distributor as a give-away item.
Photo by Jan Girardot
FREE Web Page Hosting for YOU or your local theatre organ groups or pictures/articles about any organ, be it in your home or a nearby theatre.
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for more information about this FREE Service.
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Click on logo to go see the Vintage Hammonds and Theatre Organs
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