The late Bob Lillie sitting at the Wurlitzer at the Mount Saint Francis theatre

Pikes Peak Area Theatre Organ Society Organ - Mt. St. Francis Auditorium - The Pikes Peak Area Theatre Organ Society club organ is a combined Wurlitzer style E special, 3 manual, 9 ranks, opus 1032, originally installed in the Isis Theatre, Boulder, CO in 1925 along with a Wurlitzer style 3, 2 manual, 7 ranks, opus 127, originally installed in the Iris Theatre, Detroit, MI in 1917. The combined instrument is a 3 manual, 20 rank, mostly Wurlitzer playing from the 3 manual style 260 console from the Denver Theatre, Denver, CO. It is installed in the Mt. St. Francis auditorium built in the 1920's by the Woodmen of the World as part of a tubercular sanitarium now owned and operated as a religious retreat and care facility by the Sisters of Saint Francis.