When the Mighty Wurlitzer
Roared in the Regent
Welcome to my on-line Encyclopaedia of Australian Theatre Organs. This is at the moment very much a work-in-progress project aimed at making generally available the results of research I have been carrying out since 1973.
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This is the first time that the subject of Australian
theatre organs has been examined in comprehensive
detail, so it is inevitable that errors and omissions will
have occurred. One of the benefits of Web publishing is
that readers can instantly inform authors of such faults
in their work, and that authors can then quickly update
that work to reflect new information received. I therefore
ask that you let me know where my information has
gone astray so that failings can be corrected for the
benefit of all.
The work involved in transferring word-processing files to a website is considerable; hence although much of the research has reached a stage where it can be published, it will be a little while before all that has been readied can appear here. Initially, the Encyclopaedia will be mainly text, but as my skills develop and time permits I shall include as many of the thousands of photographs in my archive as possible.
Please bear with me, therefore, as this work develops.
I shall maintain an "Updates" page, so that you can check what has been added or changed recently.
In the matter of copyright, although in accordance with international legislation I assert my ownership of the copyright to the contents (other than those from other sources) of the Encyclopaedia and other constituents of the "Theatre Organs under the Southern Cross" website, I have no wish to restrict the dissemination of knowledge for study and research, and am happy for material to be used for non-profit purposes, provided its source and authorship is acknowledged. For other publication, I shall do my best to accommodate your needs.
Please notify any errors to: southerncross@theatreorgans.com