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Glasson Residence, Caulfield
In approximately 1961, Mr Bill Glasson commenced installing in his residence a composite Wurlitzer organ. It contains twelve ranks of pipes, from the Tower Bridge Theatre, London (Opus 1955) and the Regent/Gaumont Theatre, Bristol, England (Opus 1846), amongst others. The console, a rare example of a two-manual Wurlitzer "French" style console, came from the New Cross Kinema (Gaumont), London (Opus 2057).
The organ is installed in a single chamber, speaking through a masonry grille. The ranks are: Harmonic Tuba, Tuba Horn, Open Diapason, Tibia Clausa, Saxophone, Clarinet, Oboe Horn, Violin, Violin Céleste, Krumet, Flute, Vox Humana. The usual percussions and traps are fitted.