American Organist &
International Recording Artist
1909 - 1956

 28th December 2025 was the 116th anniversary  of Ken's birth.


"The Melody Lingers On" 


March the 11th 2023 records that it was exactly 67 years since Ken Griffin passed away. Half a century and more on, his music continues to entertain and his memory lives on through
these pages
and his many devoted fans throughout the World. Ken would have been 110. He claimed that he had recorded enough tunes to last a hundred years. We are now past the
half a century mark.
While his career was brief and his life ended far too young, Ken has left behind a legacy of fine music and an organ soundthat will forever be known as the ' Griffin
Sound.' From just one recording 'You Can't Be True, Dear' Ken's star rocketed him to worldwide fame. It may not be burning so brightly after all these years but it is far from
extinguished and it's afterglow will continue as long as
his fans and this web site remain and also as long as people, from any generation, enjoy music and song that has real melody.
Long may Ken's memory, as the old tune says 'Linger On'.

"75 YEARS" It will be 75 years on the 31st of December 2023 that Ken published You Can't Be True, Dear and The Cuckoo Waltz. Four early tracks by Ken. The first three
demonstrate his early arrangements, while the fourth demonstrates his later Columbia arrangement for the Hammond of Louisianna Serenade compared to the 1954 arrangement for the
Wurlitzer Electrostatic organ.

13. 02. 13 . My thanks to Wilfred Hosteland who has n advert by Colmba from Billboard magazine of March 6th 1954 in connection with records by Ken at that time. The printwas  is
too small to read the text but I have managed to copy and crop Ken's image from the poster and dispay it here. Wilfred hopes to get a copy from Lirary of Congress or from N.Y. Public
Library, who we hope will be added later.
It is interesting seeing Ken introduced as The Wizard Of The Organ, The Miracle Man Of The Organ and now The Wizard of Chicago 58 years
after his death "The Wizrd Of Chicago. It seems that Ken's 'Star' is still glowing fondly.

N.B My apologies for getting this information wrong originally.


                                         N.B. Ken's new CD List is now a separate page. Link on Heading Below. You can return to this page from within.

KEN'S LATEST AUDIO CD LIST (Update April 2022)


LATEST NEWS (Click to go to News Page)

January 2025. It was very sad to learn that Kirby Griffin died in September 2024. Kirby (Ken's Nephew) had been very
gracious to me way back in 1956 when  having learned of Ken's death Philips Records in London, England  an address for Kirby kindly gave me aI wrote to him and he kindly replied giving numerous bits of information about Ken including an excellent large photo of Ken at one of his mother-of-pearl Hammond organs. As a 15 year old living in Aberdeen, Scotland I was impressed that he kindly wrote from his then home in Maryland U.S.A. This was the start of my really getting to know more about Ken and my collection of his recordings continued to increase over the years until I had virtually every recording that he made plus coming across the five TV programmes of Ken's TV series "67 Melody Lane".

Life moves on and we hadn't made contact in many years. However in 2002 I got involved with setting up a dedication show to Ken in Chicago and Kirby agreed to attend and we finaly got to meet, along with his son, Kerry. In 2006 we met again at his home when I was in Oregon. It was a fantastic experience. It is sad when  a frienship comes to an end in this manner and it really feels like the end of an era. Time catches up but leaves all the happy memories that will remain with me.

April 5th 2022.  On the 27th March 2020 we lost Andy Antonczyk. Andy suffered a major heart attack. He was not only a dear friend but everyone who met him had only kind thoughts of a man who went out of his way to genuinly help in all sorts of ways. Click on Link 48 below.

During 2022 we also lost Wilfred Hosteland who lived in Bergen, Norway.  He was a dedicated Ken Griffin fan from an early age and added to these web pages with his own section. Wilfred became another dear friend and I will always remember my visit to him and his wife, Bente back in 2006. We shared interest in railways as he was a driver on the Bergen Mountain Railway and I was a mainline train driver in the UK. We were also very keen Ken Griffin fans. Click on link 49 below.

2nd April 2022. Another fine CD collection of Ken's recordings by Submarine Records "Red Sails In The Sunset"  with 28 great tracks is now available.

26th April 2021. Submarine Records has published it's latest CD collection of Kens Hammond recodings. "Music In My Heart" 29 great quality tracks.

30th April 2020. "RADIO GEMS" All Hammond recordings from Transcription discs. Available from Submarine Records. 38 tracks. All New.

October 2019. One Disc. "Ken Griffin Back For Christmas" At The Hammond Organ. Available from Submarine Records.

March 2019 2 X CD set "Down Melody Lane" is available from Sumarine Records.

March 2019. Two CD Ken Griffin collection "Down Memory Lane" from Submarine Records. 62 tracks on the Hammond Organ.

30.01.14. Six new photos of Ken added to the Home Page (Above).

11.12.13. David Cross who is an Austrailan organst has been added to the Organists famour in their own countries & Internationally page. As this page was imbedded within Frank Pugno's Electrnic Organs pages I have moved this page to it's own link 45 on the Home Page.

18. 10. 13  It is with great sadness to report that Frank Pugno died on the 12th September 2013. Frank became a very dear friend and it was a great pleasure to meet him during and over the periods I was in Chicago for the Ken dedication shows. We also shared a number of years exchanging emails and chatting on the phone. I shall miss him and I know that his many friends will also.

I have added a page by way of dedication, which you will find at page 44 on the Home Page. I will be pleased to add any comments that you or any members of his family wish to email me.

29.05.13 Fresh photos Of Ken at the Wurlitzer Electrostatic organ (Link 23) below

13. 02. 13. Fresh Photo Of Ken At The Organ

15. 02. 13. New 2-CD Set Available On Pre-Sale from Amazon.

14. 06. 2012 Rondo "The Griffin Years" 14th June 2012 By Bryon Young. (Link 43.)

15. 02. 2011 You Can't Be True, Dear and Love In Bloom mp3 tracks from the Spike Jones Show 1949 (Link 18)

22. 11. 11 N.B. New contact address. See bottom of page.

16. 08. 11 Royce (Doc) Brown. Bob Potts made contact with Royce and learned some news. Link 42.
                   Ken Griffin Compositions. This mp3 page has been made permanent at link 41

13. 08. 10 Discology updated. Most Columbia 78's added, including date of publication. Link 26. My thanks to Bryon Young for the link to the web site showing Columbia recordings. Bryon's page has been updated to show this list and link, at Link 39. You may find this of interest for other Columbia artists.                 

N.B. Link 28 is a blank link due to work not yet beings started on the Album photo collection


1. History (About myself and the record collection)

2. Obituaries  (Updated 28. 02. 13)      

3. 78rpm collection (11. 11. 07 One 78 added)

4. Extended play Includes cover pictures.

 5. 10" LP collection   (5b LP Cover Text)
 10th 2005
 One LP added. 

6. 12" LP collection Page One(6b LP Cover Text)
    12" LP collection Page Two 

    12" LP collection Page Three
(11th Nov. 2007 One LP added)

7. Ken's CD Collection (New 06. 06. 08)

8. Radio Transcriptions

9. 67 Melody Lane TV Series
(Link to 9b)
Video Clips for your media player. (Update May 2013)

9b. Picture Gallery (New October 2003)

10. Guitarists Who Accompanied Ken (Update 26.03.03)

11. Vocalists on Ken's records (Update 12.07.03)

12. Ken on a Pipe Organ 'resolved'!

13. A Letter By Ken & Signed Photograph

14. The Ken Griffin Dedication Show Reports
2002-2009. With photographs. 

15. Visit to To Sanfilippo Estate (Update November 2006)  

16. Joe Negri & Johnny Costa News
20. 06. 04. Corrections and updated text to Johnny's information.
25.08. 08. Additional internet links added.

17. Marjorie Meinert 1921 - 2009 (Link 36). 

18. Ken On Spike Jones Radio Show (Updated 13.03.04)

19. 1942 Postcard Photo of Ken (New 29th June 2004)

20. Ken Master Pressings (26.01.06)

21. Little Prayers For Little People (MP3's)

22. Earlier Web Site Communications

23. Ken (Family Photo) (New October 2004.  Update 29.5.13)

24. Kirby Griffin (Update 23. 06. 05)

48. Anthony Antonczyk  (1949-2022)             


25. Visits to Ken's graveside + 50th AnniversaryService, including response  (Update Nov. 2006)

26 Ken Griffin Discography Last update April 2021.

27 Ken Griffin Record Covers.

28. Ken Griffin Record Labels (W.I.P.)

29.  Hear Ken play plus the incredible 'play-a-like'
Eric Larson

30. The Conn Organ (Re-write 24. 08. 05)
      By Frank Pugno

31. The Wurlitzer ES Organ.  
       By Eric Larson (Complete re-write Oct. 2002)

32. The Hammond Organ.
     By Eric Larson (Complete re-write Oct. 2002)

33. Ken's Mother-of-Pearle Hammond AV
By Eric Larson (Complete re-write Oct. 2002)

34. Ken's Special Effects  
      By Eric Larson ( 03.05.02)

35. Sally's Page (New February 2003)

36. Electronic Organs (Pages by the late Frank Pugno)

37 Wilfred Hosteland's Page (Update 23rd Feb. 2003)
(Comments from people who knew or attended Ken's  shows)

38. Danish & English Organ Web Site. (N.B. New Web Site
                                             & URL) 
By Johs Wienberg-Larsen.

39. Bryon Young's Pages (Update Dec 2015)

40. Phil Gunsul Commemoration (24th Dec 2005)

41 Ken Griffin Compositions (mp3)

42. Royce (Doc) Swain. (16th August 2011)

43. Rondo "The Griffin Years" 14th June 2012
    By Bryon Young.  14.06.2012

44. Frank Pugno Dedication

45. Organist Famous in their own countries. Update: David        Cross, Australian organist added. Nov. 2013.

46. Wilfred's Newsclips and Photos (New April 2014)

47. Telemech, The end of an era.

 49. Wilfred Hosteland 19xx-2022)



"Ken's music just goes on and on"

 Contact me at
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Eric Larson At The Organ (mp3's)


Personal Web Sites (Click on Text)

My personal web sites and pages links have been formed into one Index page where you can click on any article that may interest you.


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